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Course Certificate of Waiver (CoW) or Authorizations and NAS Maps (March)

Tue, Mar 22


Google Meet, Classroom & Community Interact

Learn to apply CoW requests or Authorizations with the FAA agency using the FAA 14 CFR Part 107 commercial certification for controlled airspaces. Learn about the management of preflight assessments, safety management risk and hazard assessments and provide operation parameters.

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Course Certificate of Waiver (CoW) or Authorizations and NAS Maps (March)
Course Certificate of Waiver (CoW) or Authorizations and NAS Maps (March)

Time & Location

Mar 22, 2022, 7:00 PM AST – Apr 17, 2022, 7:00 PM AST

Google Meet, Classroom & Community Interact

About the event

Curso Certificate of Waiver (CoW) / Autorizaciones y Mapas NAS

Es un taller práctico mixto (presencial y virtual) es necesario para que los pilotos de drone remoto y en comando aprendan a crear sus presentaciones para aplicar solicitudes de CoW u Autorizaciones con la agencia FAA utilizando la certificación comercial FAA 14 CFR Part 107 por medio de su portal FAADrone Zone.  Son muchos los lugares localizados en espacios aéreos controlados cuales necesitan solicitar autorizaciones mediante aplicaciones de LAANC pero otras de manera manual directa con la FAA.  Aprende sobre el manejo de los temas relevantes para cumplir con el preflight assessments, safety management risk and hazard assessments y proveer detalles del operation parameters necesarios para sus gestiones de aprobación que posterior usan para hacer sus vuelos en el taller práctico del curso.


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  • Total Enrollment

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  • Payment Plan (Two Payments)

    If you accept the payment plan, you agree to make an initial payment of $270 prior to the start of the course. Other payments of $270 will be automatically deducted from the third or fourth session on the agenda. The total cost of the course will be $540, $497 of the course and $43 additional billing fee. By using this option, the participant agrees to make the payment in the third or fourth session of the course. You must maintain effective communication and follow-up on the payment issue.

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